martes, 2 de abril de 2019

The true oncogenesis

The true oncogenesis

                                                                                                        By: José de Jesús Tejada Maury

True science never exercises its practice and experience through imprecise and distorted concepts, nor does it reward lies or errors to impose authoritarian dogmas to benefit particular interests. (José Tejada Maury).

In this article, tumors are referred to as localized symptoms, such as localized manifestations of an internal acid medium (cancer).

So we define cancer: as acidity in the internal environment, also known as terrain or as extracellular fluids (blood plasma and interstitial fluids).

A tumor is an inflammation, a lump, or any alteration of the tissues that produces an increase in volume. It is an abnormal enlargement of a part of the body that appears therefore swollen or distended. In the restricted sense, a tumor is any lump that is due to an increase in the number of cells that comprise it, regardless of whether they are benign or malignant. For conventional medicine when a tumor is classified as malignant, it has the ability to invade or leak and metastasize to different places in the primary place, this is what orthodox medicine considers metastatic cancer. The tumor, along with blushing, pain and heat are part of the symptoms and signs of inflammation. According to orthodox medicine (allopathic) a benign tumor is a benign neoplasm that does not have the malignancy of cancerous tumors, this indicates that this type of tumors does not invade adjacent tissues and does not metastasize to distant tissues or organs. The cells of benign tumors remain together and are often surrounded by a containment membrane or capsules. They can usually be removed or removed and in most cases do not reappear.

In order not to make the terminology complex, according to the training site and its characteristics each tumor has its respective name that is used as a prefix, the tissue that originates it, accompanied by the suffix oma. For example; lipoma. But nevertheless; in the so-called leukemia despite not forming tumors is classified as myeloma, contrary to conventional protocols in its practice to generalize cancer as a malignant tumor of cells that are mutated, which would suggest that if there is no malignancy the leukemia It is not considered any type of cancer.

It is incoherent not only from the analytical and interpretative point of view, but from the descriptive point of view of the phenomenon of oncology (according to orthodox medicine) that a tumor forms metastasis when a cell escapes from its interior and through the blood or lymphatic flow it is installed in another place of the organism to form more tumors, or its cover is broken and it expands to another place of the human organism.

Origin of tumors and their development.

It will not be possible to repeat what orthodox medicine has been handling in relation to metastasis. For those cases there are indicators in the body. Metastasis, as orthodox medicine has taught it, does not conform to reality, since this article aims to explain to them in simple, easy-to-understand language what this whole process is like.

 The reader can consult the categories in which cancerous tumors classified orthodox medicine anywhere in the network, since there is a detailed classification. As analyzed through experience, it is concluded that cancer is the same for all people, localized symptoms (tumors) can be installed anywhere in the body. There is no difference between a tumor in the lung with another in the stomach, "malignant" tumors are localized symptoms, the result of acidity in the liquid part of the body. Extracellular fluids with hydrogen potential (pH) equal to or lower than 6.0 give rise to malignant tumors. The only thing that differentiates patients is the pathways of affectation through which the internal environment is acidified. These liquids corrode the epithelium, which is the coating of cells, soft tissues, connective and glial which need to be surrounded by extracellular fluids with a hydrogen potential (pH) of at least 7.0 to maintain good protection. . In the case of malignant tumors, an extracellular fluid with hydrogen potential 6.0 corrodes any tissue, capillary or vessel. There is inflammation.

 The two causes that cause inflammation (tumors):

1) reduction of metabolic processes in tissues.

2) lack of cellular nutrition.

  There is an increase in temperature in the area of ​​the tumor, since the increase in temperature increases inflammation.

 It has been an academic and historical error to have considered a malignant tumor as an effect of a cellular mutation, since the cellular mutation implies a process of myth.

Plasma and interstitial fluid together make the extracellular fluid volume, that is between 17 and 23 liters. In the liquid universe of the organism is the origin of malignant tumors, badly called cancer.

The blood is made up of 90% water, 6% protein, 9% mineral salts, which is why it passes through the capillaries, allowing the blood to flow easily. The blood is a fluid that circulates through the capillaries, veins and arteries, 55% is represented in the blood plasma, the plasma is the liquid fraction of the blood and acellular, is obtained by leaving the blood devoid of cells such as red blood cells and whites, is made up of 90% isotonic seawater, that is 9 grams of mineral salts per liter, whose hydrogen potential (pH) must be between 7.35 and 7.45. It is also made up of 7% proteins, 3% for fats, vitamins, hormones, oxygen, nitrogen, plus waste products such as uric acid. Plasma is one of the liquid body reserves.

The metastasis that so terrifies, means beyond and stare, statos: that is quiet, that is deposited, that reposes, located in. Metastasis occurs due to the acidity of both the blood plasma and the interstitial fluids that surround the membrane that covers or contains the tumor, breaks or punctures, this occurs in cases in which the aforementioned fluids lower their potential of hydrogen below 6.0. That is, in patients with a hydrogen potential (pH) of 5.5; 5.0 and 4.0 are diagnosed as metastasic on the part of orthodox medicine, this was confirmed by the observation and measurements that were made in patients diagnosed as such. A patient with hydrogen potential (pH) of 4.0 is considered terminally ill, unfortunately traditional medicine ignores this and leaves patients in irreversible states.

Places where the symptoms of the acidity of the internal environment can be localized.

 Usually Lymphomas: lymph nodes, colon, bladder. Some common sarcomas: fat, bones and muscles occur in any part of the body: soft, connective and mucosal tissues, because these tissues must maintain their interstitial fluids, and plasma (extracellular fluids) with alkalinity, that is to say with potential hydrogen (pH) between 7.35 and 7.45, minimum at 7.0. Also everywhere where these liquids circulate giving rise to symptoms other than malignant tumors.


The osmotic pressure of the cells. Osmosis is the final diffusion of water from an area of ​​high concentration of water to another with a lower concentration of water. The rate of diffusion is called osmosis velocity, the growth of the malignant tumor is related to the speed of osmosis, to have liquids with a pH of 6.0, the cell is flowered, ie it resembles rosettes of corn. There is no mutation of cells, simply what happens is a deformation. If the hydrogen potential (pH) of the internal medium drops below 6.0, that is to say pH of 5.9, of 5.0 or pH 4.0, it acquires the figure of mass and due to the acidity the membrane that contains the tumor is broken, this is what is known as metastasis.

The mutation occurs in cell multiplication processes and through mitosis the cell uses the proteins to elaborate the multiplication phases, and precisely in the tumors the enzymatic process of the cells breaks down. When the cells are deformed, the diffusion mechanism is slowed down. Therefore, there is no cell multiplication, except uncontrolled growth. It has been a mistake to have said this about mutation in malignant tumors, it is a literature lacking in scientific content.

The membrane of the cells is impermeable to most solutes, but is very permeable to water, as long as there is a higher concentration of solutes on one side of the cell membrane. Water diffuses through the cell membrane to the area with the highest concentration of solutes. Similarly, if a solute is extracted from the extracellular fluid and the concentration of water rises, it will move from the extracellular fluid through the cell membranes to enter the cell.

If the cell is subjected to a solution with a concentration of non-diffusible solutes equal to that of the cell, it will remain the same and it is said that the solution is isotonic, but if instead it is submerged in a medium containing lower concentrations of solute  not diffusible in water, will penetrate the cell to balance the concentrations and this will cause the cell to swell, these solutions are called hypotonic, here begins the formation of tumors and reiterates that if the solution has hydrogen potential (pH ) of 6, 0 is considered malignant. If it is below 5.9, that is, 5.0 or 4.0 are considered metastatic (internal environment).

How to reduce cellular inflammation?

If a solution with a higher non-diffusible solute is placed in the cell, the water contained in the cell will be transported to the medium to equalize the concentrations, causing a decrease in the volume of the cells, to these solutions that cause shrinkage or shrinkage of the cells is called hypertonic solutions (is the basis of antitumor therapy), these solutions should be added vasodilators in order to make them more effective.

The importance of the tonic solutions lies in the reaction of the cells towards them, if the osmolarity of the solution is not equal to the one inside the cells, that is, it is not an isotonic solution, the homeostasis of the body is seen altered

 There is also intracellular edema in the infamous tissues, since this usually has a direct effect on the cell membranes, increasing their permeability, allowing sodium and other ions to diffuse into the cells and with consecutive osmosis there is water entry.

Extracellular edema: occurs when there is excessive retention of extracellular fluid in the extracellular spaces, generally has two causes: Abnormal leakage of plasma fluid into the interstitial spaces through the capillaries. Lack of lymphatic drainage of fluids from the interstitium into the blood.

We must remember that reference is made to an internal medium (soil) with a hydrogen potential (PH) of 6.0 maximum. Not always an internal medium with a maximum hydrogen potential (pH) of 6.0 will lead to the formation of tumors, depending on the conditions of the organism, other symptoms will appear such as: conditions in the Central Nervous System (CNS) since the brain contains 85% water.

All the physiological processes that take place in our body, including muscle contractility, metabolic reactions, conformation of proteins, the functioning of the Central Nervous System (CNS), and body temperature are deeply influenced by the potency of hydrogen (pH ) of our internal environment (terrain), that is why we find disorders such as neurodegenerative diseases: Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, multiple sclerosis, muscle and degenerative paralysis such as: arthritis, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, lupus. All the physiological processes that take place in our body, including muscle contractility, metabolic reactions, conformation of proteins, the functioning of the Central Nervous System (CNS), and body temperature are deeply influenced by the potency of hydrogen (pH ) of our internal environment (terrain), that is why we find disorders such as neurodegenerative diseases: Parkinson's, Alzheimer's, multiple sclerosis, muscle and degenerative paralysis such as: arthritis, osteoarthritis, osteoporosis, lupus. The question arises: will it be that in addition to the malignant tumor (cancer due to the shape of a crab) oncogenesis or oncology focused on a single symptom?, ignoring that the physicochemical conditions of the internal environment (extracellular fluids) are causing other symptoms different from malignant tumors?

The myth of sugar and cancer.

The networks include doctors and specialists explaining an alleged relationship between sugar and cancer. We must and must be clear when we not only interpret a phenomenon, but how we should describe it and that is where the descriptive scientific model lies. We must specify that glucose is the fuel of the cell and that we must differentiate between what is sugar and glucose. Sugar is called sucrose, whose chemical formula is C12H22O11, also called common sugar or table sugar. Sucrose is a disaccharide formed by a molecule of glucose and a molecule of fructose, which is obtained mainly from sugar cane or beet. The most commonly used types of sugar: Granulated Sugar (made from beet), such as Blanquilla or Blanca, and Morena Powdered Sugar: (Made preferably from sugar cane).

Glucose whose molecular formula is C6H12O6, is the main source of energy necessary to ensure the proper functioning of the body's cells. They need energy to be active, maintain vital functions (heartbeat, digestive movements, breathing...), body temperature and muscle movements. In some way, you could say that glucose is for the human body like gasoline for a car, because it provides enough energy to develop normal daily activity.

 Very possibly the consumption of glucose (and not sugar) by the cells involved in malignant tumors and their "exaggerated consumption" has had a misinterpretation because it was equated with the feeding mechanism of anaerobic bacteria that do it by glucose fermentation and this has led to not being able to correctly describe the problem and therefore not know the cause of oncogenesis. Above, reference was made to the two causes that cause cellular inflammation. What can actually be presented there, is that the cell not receiving nutrients is not going to regulate metabolic processes because there is no presence of catalytic enzymes which control the temperature of chemical reactions despite receiving only the fuel for energy (glucose) and this is due to the physicochemical conditions of the internal environment (extracellular fluid) and not to any other type of cause. Vitamins and minerals act as catalytic enzymes of the energy process of the cell, therefore, as these catalysts do not mediate the temperature increases and this causes inflammation (tumor). Therefore, the origin of the so-called malignant tumors lies in the poor physicochemical conditions of the internal environment, that is, the liquid that surrounds the cell.

Although with current technology (Pet Scan) we have been given a wonderful opportunity not only to analyze or look at the contrasts, what contemporary science has not been able to interpret is the real descriptive model which we can adopt as the only standard model of what really happens inside tumors, that is, what is their true cause or origin confirming the two causes: the lack of cellular nutrition and the non-regulation of metabolic processes.

Therefore the cell receives the glucose and if the burning means that there is oxygen and this very aptly shows us that the problem is indeed the lack of catalysts for chemical reactions and the lack of nutrients that do not reach the cell, we can also conclude that there is no cellular mutation in malignant tumors, it is reiterated that Mitosis involves balanced metabolic processes with the presence of nutrients.

Warning signs:

 The true origin of cancer must be sought in the Regulatory Base System or Buffer System, since the malignant tumor is one more symptom of the diversity that can arise from cancer as a metabolic disorder (process of transformation of food into energy). Usually the body releases signals up to 18 months in advance such as changes in the color of urine (for example: sometimes as lime water), changes in the smell of urine (bad smell), expulsion of protein (proteinuria), urine with plenty of foam, etc. Body temperatures below 36.5 degrees Celsius (mild hypothermia: 36, 35.34 degrees Celsius). We must be alert to all these signals in order to establish corrective measures in time and avoid serious and irreversible health conditions and provide the correct treatment.

To take into account:

After having made an analysis corresponding to the circumstances and details of the malignant tumors as one of the many symptoms of cancer (acidity in extracellular fluids) it is inferred that the blood must be alkaline so that it can mobilize the oxygen towards the cell and that the The body's defense mechanism is the only resource that has this physiological and functional emergency to maintain the alkalinity and be able to bring glucose and oxygen to the cell is to take calcium cations from the bone system, hence the bone system also receives its effects by Because of this, there is a diversity of symptoms derived from acidity in extracellular fluids (degenerative and neurodegenerative diseases). It is insisted that if glycolysis in malignant tumors was performed without the presence of oxygen, the main indication would be a tumor necropsy, it would be totally incoherent as a necrotic tissue dies and therefore there would be no tumor formation. However, this is not the case for the reasons explained throughout this article and according to the studies carried out by various academies and institutes for the fight against cancer that, unfortunately, they have not taken into account and have not been able to interpret and even less to describe the problem.

With this contribution we continue in the struggle to clarify doubts, clear up concerns, describe the problem, but above all make a call to the institutes and academies of scientific research so that the true treatment is given to patients affected by these chronic metabolic disorders with general and universal content and not rewarding isolated events with Nobel prizes that in no way constitute solutions for human suffering.


Cancer: occurs when extracellular fluids (blood plasma and interstitial fluids have hydrogen potential (pH) below 7.0. Very likely for leukemia cases the indicators will not be below 7.43, but rather a little above, which will give us to presume that according to the definition of cancer given in this article, we should consider leukemia as a metabolic disorder different from cancer.

Radioactive glucose:

A radioactive form of glucose (sugar) that is often used during a positron emission tomography (PET) scan, a type of imaging test. During a PET scan, a small amount of radioactive glucose is injected into a vein and a scanner takes pictures of where the body uses glucose. Cancer cells look brighter in the images because they are more active and absorb more glucose than normal cells. When used in a PET scan, radioactive glucose helps locate cancer cells in the body.

Positron emission tomography (PET) is a Nuclear Medicine technique that allows us to obtain images of the in vivo distribution of different molecules. It is what has been called the "molecular image", a complement to the anatomical information provided by computerized axial tomography (CAT) or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI). This is achieved by the intravenous administration of a radiopharmaceutical, which is the binding of a radioactive isotope with a given molecule, after which the acquisition of the images is performed in a PET camera.

In daily clinical practice, the molecule used is fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG), which is linked to 18F, a radioactive positron-emitting isotope with a very short half-life (110 minutes). FDG is an analogue of glucose and is captured by both normal and cancerous cells, but does not follow the normal biochemical cycle of glucose, so it is trapped inside. Physiologically, some tissues such as the brain, myocardium or liver have a high demand for glucose, which will translate into a high retention of FDG. In the case of malignant cells, their high metabolic rate also implies a great avidity for FDG, whose passage to the cellular interior is also greatly enhanced, which allows a priori to differentiate malignant from benign tissues.

Buffer or buffer system:

Living organisms are very resistant to pH variations, even if they are only a few tenths of a unit, and therefore they have developed buffer or buffer systems in the history of evolution that maintain a constant pH through homeostatic mechanisms. Variations in pH affect the stability of proteins and, in particular, the catalytic activity of enzymes, because depending on the pH, they can generate electrical charges that modify their biological activity. The blood plasma and interstitial fluid should have a pH between 7.35 and 7.45, a minimum of 7.0 even though ideally it is not a bit at the neutral point (7.0), but slightly alkaline (7). , 35 and 7.45). That is why we understand that when it drops below 7.0, cellular metabolism is affected, therefore we deduce that we are dealing with processes and metabolic states and that genetic processes do not intervene in the formation of malignant tumors or in the origin of other symptoms than malignant tumors. Remember that blood plasma and interstitial fluid are part of the extracellular fluid.

Malignant tumor: Cellular inflammation because the cell does not receive nutrients or the tissues do not regulate the reaction rates within the metabolic processes due to the lack of catalysts (enzymes). (See warning signs in this article).


 Tejada Maury José de Jesús. Illness a big business, health an expensive merchandise. Editora Prometeo SAS Barranquilla-Colombia.ISBN: 978-958-46-4378-0.Barranquilla, April 30, 2014.


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